Global Distribution

Expand International Distribution | Beat the Competition

  • Travel Agency Connectivity
  • Tour Operator Connectivity
  • OTA Partner Connectivity
  • Consortia Partner Connectivity
  • Corporate Partner Connectivity
  • Meta-Search Partner Connectivity

750,000+ Travel Agents

The hotel’s inventory and digital content is systematically distributed to 750,000+ travel agents worldwide and to millions more bookers who use websites that are powered by them.

800+ Tour Operators

KHR has established direct connectivity with a global base of tour operators with preferred rates. connecting directly to the hotel’s property management system.

600+ Global OTA Partners

KHR connects hotels to a worldwide collection of online travel agencies, distributing inventory rates & availability and digital content turnkey.

KHR Preferred Travel Partners

KHR’s 20+ history in the global travel market has allowed for preferred partnerships with over 50 of the world’s largest consortia travel partners further leveraging the hotel’s top-line performance. Such key consortia accounts includes American Express Travel, Carlson Wagonlit, BCD Travel, DER, Flight Centre and many more.

Feeder Markets


The German Travel Market continues to be the worldwide leader for international travel. 50M people from this travel segment take long-haul trips annually, with an average length of stay of ten days.  With an estimated 10,000 travel agencies all over Germany, over fifty percent of all bookings are made other than through online booking.  Key Hotels has strong ties with German tour operators including Tui DE, DER, FTI, Alltours, travel agencies, and German-centric OTA sites allowing for distribution from this key European feeder market.Dutch Travel Market


80% of Dutch Travel is leisure, consisting of 14M trips annually. This travel group has a relatively long length of stay of on to two weeksl. 50% of bookings in 2023 are made via an OTA, a growing trend from 20% in 2013. Direct bookings are also improving (30% in 2023) with hotel and meta search websites making up 20%. iDEAL is the preferred online payment method in this feeder market. To attract, focus on smart OTA management with strong website marketing. Key accounts here in include: Tui NL, TravelWorld, Corendon, KLM.


21M travelers will be seeking long haul travel options from this feeder market.  Travel from this lucrative market peaks in summer with over 40% of all travel coming between May and August.  For leisure travel, 50% are seeking beach holiday destinations, 10% seeking City Break, an 15% seeking personal tours.  Family holidays are a firm favorite in this sector.  We connect UK sourced leisure and consortia accounts directly into our hotel’s property management systems for direct bookings. 


Roughly 25% of total worldwide tourism is sourced from the Asian Travel Market, the fastest growing global travel segment. City breaks remain by far the most popular form of outbound travel. While this market continues to rely heavily on the internet for information and bookings, nearly 50% of travelers book their travel via travel agencies.  We offer multi-language communications on booking sites, Asian-centric OTA and tour operator connectivity.   


Approximately 90% of all travel is booked via OTA channels or website direct. This market has a growing reliance on review sites. Trip Advisor commands the attention of this market segment of meta-search options. Nonetheless, 30% of this segment will use a travel agent. To attract, we create highly effective search engine optimized websites complete with booking conversion tools, digital and social marketing campaigns and conversion tools. Key accounts here include Expedia, AirBnB, and HotelBeds. Consider branding opportunities.


Many Latin American travelers prefer traveling with family or in groups, seeking destinations and accommodations that cater to multiple age groups and offer a range of activities. Travelers from Latin America often seek cultural experiences that include local cuisine, music, dance, and historical sites, enhancing their travel experience with authentic local interactions. 40% will book via OTA channels, 30% on website direct. 30% through a travel agent. To attract, offer oversized accommodations with ample hotel services. Key accounts include Despegar and Webbeds.