Efficient Condo Hotel Management: Key Strategies for Success

John Lacle, November 5, 2023

Introduction: Condo hotels, also known as condotels, offer a unique blend of real estate investment and hotel-style amenities. Managing these properties requires a distinct set of strategies to ensure the satisfaction of both individual unit owners and transient guests. In this article, we’ll explore the essential aspects of condo hotel management and provide insights into achieving success in this specialized industry.

  1. Clear Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful condo hotel management. It’s crucial to maintain transparent and open channels with both unit owners and guests. Regular updates on property maintenance, rental income, and any upcoming changes can build trust and a sense of community among stakeholders.
  2. Efficient Rental Management: Balancing the interests of individual unit owners and maximizing rental income is a delicate task. A well-structured rental management system can help achieve this equilibrium. This may involve partnering with a professional management company to handle reservations, guest services, and marketing, while ensuring owners receive their fair share of the revenue.
  3. Maintenance and Housekeeping: Maintaining condo hotels in impeccable condition is paramount. Regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and high standards of housekeeping contribute to positive guest experiences and protect the long-term value of the property. Effective scheduling and coordination are key to keeping the property in top shape.
  4. Amenities and Guest Services: Condo hotels are often chosen for their extensive amenities, which can range from spa facilities and swimming pools to on-site restaurants and concierge services. Ensuring these amenities are well-maintained and accessible is essential to attract and retain guests. A focus on exceptional customer service adds value to the guest experience.
  5. Compliance and Legal Matters: Navigating the legal aspects of condo hotel management is critical. Understanding and complying with local zoning regulations, condominium association bylaws, and tax obligations are fundamental to avoid legal pitfalls and maintain a smooth operation.
  6. Marketing and Promotion: To attract guests and generate rental income, effective marketing is essential. Utilize online platforms, social media, and partnerships with travel agencies to reach a wide audience. Consistent branding and appealing promotional materials can set your condo hotel apart from competitors.
  7. Financial Management: Condo hotel management necessitates efficient financial management. Tracking expenses, revenues, and budgeting are vital to ensure that both unit owners and the property itself remain financially healthy. Detailed financial reporting is key to maintaining transparency.
  8. Community Building: Building a sense of community among unit owners can contribute to a harmonious atmosphere within the condo hotel. Organizing events, creating an owners’ association, and encouraging collaboration can foster a positive and engaged community.

Conclusion: Condo hotel management is a unique blend of real estate and hospitality. Successfully managing such properties involves a delicate balance of fulfilling the needs and expectations of individual unit owners while also providing excellent services to transient guests. By focusing on clear communication, efficient rental management, property maintenance, amenities, legal compliance, marketing, financial management, and community building, condo hotel managers can create a thriving and satisfying environment for all stakeholders, ensuring the long-term success of the venture.

A Global Odyssey: Exploring the Differences in Hotel Booking’s Path to Purchase Across Markets

Path to Purchase | Key Hotels & Resorts

John Laclé, November 2, 2023


The hospitality industry has evolved significantly over the past few decades, with the advent of the internet and the proliferation of online booking platforms. In today’s globalized world, travelers from different markets follow unique paths to purchase when booking hotels. Understanding these differences is crucial for hoteliers and online travel agencies to tailor their marketing and customer service strategies effectively. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the distinct paths to purchase followed by travelers in various markets.

  1. North America: Convenience and Loyalty

In North America, the path to booking a hotel often begins with an online search using popular platforms like Expedia, Booking.com, or Airbnb. Travelers prioritize convenience, looking for user-friendly websites and mobile apps. Loyalty programs and rewards play a significant role, with many customers preferring to book with brands they are familiar with, such as Marriott or Hilton.

  1. Europe: Direct Bookings and Personalization

Europeans, on the other hand, tend to favor direct bookings through hotel websites. They value personalization and often expect tailored offers. Hotels in Europe have been quick to adapt by offering loyalty programs and exclusive perks to attract repeat customers. Moreover, travelers in Europe are increasingly eco-conscious, preferring hotels with strong sustainability initiatives.

  1. Asia: Mobile-First and Bargain Hunting

In Asia, mobile booking is king. Travelers rely heavily on mobile apps, especially super-apps like WeChat, Grab, and Alipay, to find and book accommodations. Bargain hunting is also a popular practice, with many travelers comparing prices on various platforms. Many Asian travelers prefer boutique hotels or unique experiences, rather than large chain hotels.

  1. Middle East: Luxury and All-Inclusive Packages

In the Middle East, luxury and convenience are paramount. Travelers from this region often opt for all-inclusive packages that provide accommodation, transportation, and activities in one bundle. They also prefer hotels with opulent amenities and high levels of service. Direct booking and loyalty programs have gained popularity in recent years.

  1. South America: Social Recommendations and Last-Minute Deals

South American travelers often rely on social media and recommendations from friends and family to choose hotels. They frequently make last-minute bookings, taking advantage of special deals and discounts. Flexible cancellation policies are also appreciated, as plans can change unexpectedly.

  1. Africa: Local Online Travel Agents and In-Person Booking

In Africa, online travel agents (OTAs) that cater to the local market play a significant role. Travelers may use these OTAs to search for and compare hotels, but often prefer to book in person at the hotel or through local travel agencies. Word of mouth and personal relationships also heavily influence hotel choices.


The path to purchase for hotel bookings varies significantly across different markets. Understanding these regional preferences is essential for hoteliers and online travel agencies to attract and retain customers. Adapting to the unique demands of each market, such as offering personalized services, loyalty programs, mobile booking options, or all-inclusive packages, can give businesses a competitive edge. In a globalized world, a one-size-fits-all approach no longer suffices, and success in the hospitality industry demands a nuanced understanding of diverse customer journeys. So, whether you’re running a hotel or booking your next stay, consider these market-specific preferences to enhance your travel experience or optimize your business strategy.

Key Hotels and Resorts is a hotel management and marketing company servicing hotels in the Caribbean. To learn more, please visit www.keyhotelsandresorts.com.

Essentials for a Successful Hotel Website for Independent Hotels

In the modern age of travel, a hotel’s website is often the first point of contact between potential guests and your establishment. Independent hotels, in particular, must leverage their online presence to compete with larger chains and connect with their target audience effectively. A successful hotel website can make all the difference in attracting and retaining guests. In this article, we’ll explore the essential requirements for a successful hotel website tailored to independent hotels.

  1. User-Friendly Design: The design of your website is the first thing visitors notice. A clean, user-friendly layout with intuitive navigation is crucial. Use high-quality images of your hotel’s rooms, amenities, and surroundings. Mobile responsiveness is also vital, as many travelers use smartphones to browse and book hotels.
  2. Compelling Content: Well-crafted content that not only describes your hotel but also highlights the unique experiences it offers is key. Share the story of your hotel, its history, and its commitment to hospitality. Engaging text, combined with captivating visuals, can help convey the atmosphere and personality of your property.
  3. Easy Booking Process: The booking process should be simple, secure, and easily accessible. An integrated reservation system with real-time availability updates is a must. Provide clear instructions and multiple payment options to accommodate various guest preferences.
  4. SEO Optimization: To ensure potential guests can find your website, invest in search engine optimization (SEO). Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and regularly updated content to improve your website’s search engine ranking. This helps increase organic traffic to your site.
  5. Localized and Multilingual Content: If your hotel caters to international guests, having a multilingual website is a game-changer. It’s also beneficial to include localized content, including information about nearby attractions, restaurants, and cultural events.
  6. Engaging Visuals: High-resolution images and videos showcase your hotel and its amenities effectively. Consider using virtual tours and drone footage to give visitors a comprehensive view of your property. Visual content also keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore further.
  7. Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Incorporating customer reviews and testimonials can build trust and credibility. Showcase positive feedback from previous guests to provide social proof. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, shows your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  8. Social Media Integration: Social media plays a significant role in promoting your hotel. Integrate social media feeds and sharing buttons on your website to encourage visitors to follow and engage with your hotel online.
  9. Email Subscription and Newsletter: Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter for exclusive offers, updates, and travel tips. Building an email list enables you to maintain a direct line of communication with potential guests.
  10. Clear Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information, including a phone number, email address, and location, is prominently displayed on your website. Providing a live chat option for instant assistance can also enhance the user experience.
  11. Local Area Information: Offer comprehensive information about your hotel’s surroundings. Highlight nearby attractions, restaurants, and transportation options. Providing maps and directions can be particularly helpful for out-of-town guests.
  12. Mobile Apps and Booking Widgets: Consider creating a mobile app for your hotel and offering booking widgets for third-party websites and travel agencies. This can expand your reach and make it easier for potential guests to book rooms.
  13. Data Security: Guests need to trust that their personal and payment information is secure. Implement strong security measures and clearly communicate your commitment to data protection.
  14. Regular Updates: Keep your website up-to-date with the latest information, pricing, and special offers. An outdated website can deter potential guests.
  15. Analytics and Performance Monitoring: Implement analytics tools to track visitor behavior and preferences. This data can inform your marketing efforts and help you make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance.

In conclusion, a successful hotel website for independent hotels is a dynamic tool that combines great design, engaging content, and practical functionality. It not only serves as a booking platform but also as a marketing hub to showcase your unique offerings and attract travelers from around the world. By incorporating these essential requirements, independent hotels can stand out and thrive in a competitive industry.

John Laclé, Managing Director

October 22, 2023

Boosting Your Hotel’s Direct Bookings: Our Comprehensive Guide


In the ever-evolving landscape of the hotel industry, attracting direct bookings to your hotel’s website is essential. While online travel agencies (OTAs) and third-party booking platforms can be valuable sources of revenue, they often come with hefty commissions that eat into your profit margins. To maximize your hotel’s revenue, it’s crucial to encourage guests to book directly through your website. In this blog, we’ll explore effective strategies to help you achieve just that.

  1. Optimize Your Website

Your hotel’s website is your digital storefront, and it needs to make a great first impression. Ensure that it’s user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing. Here’s how to do it:

  • Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of smartphones for booking, having a mobile-responsive website is a must. Users should be able to browse, select, and book easily from their mobile devices.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Slow websites are a major turn-off. Invest in a fast hosting service and optimize your images and content to reduce load times.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find information about your hotel, room types, rates, and availability. Use clear and concise navigation menus.
  1. Offer Exclusive Perks

Entice guests to book directly by offering exclusive perks that they won’t find on OTAs. These could include:

  • Best Price Guarantee: Promise that your website will always offer the best rates, and match or beat any lower prices found on other platforms.
  • Free Wi-Fi: Include complimentary Wi-Fi for direct bookings, a highly sought-after amenity for modern travelers.
  • Flexible Cancellation Policies: Offer more lenient cancellation policies for direct bookings to reduce the perceived risk of booking directly.
  1. Loyalty Programs

Create a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers. Offer benefits like discounted room rates, early check-in/late check-out, or free upgrades for returning guests who book through your website. A well-structured loyalty program can encourage brand loyalty and increase direct bookings.

  1. Showcase Compelling Content

Use high-quality images, videos, and engaging content to showcase your hotel’s unique features, amenities, and location. Tell your hotel’s story, emphasizing what sets it apart from the competition. Include guest reviews and testimonials to build trust.

  1. SEO Optimization

Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website’s visibility on search engines. Use relevant keywords, create quality content, and optimize meta descriptions and tags. This will help your website rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential guests to find you.

  1. Social Media and Email Marketing

Leverage your social media presence to promote direct bookings. Run exclusive social media campaigns and contests that encourage users to visit your website. Collect email addresses and use email marketing to reach out to past and potential guests with special offers and promotions.

  1. Call-to-Action (CTA)

Implement clear and compelling calls-to-action throughout your website, such as “Book Now,” “Check Availability,” or “Exclusive Offer.” These CTAs should guide visitors towards the booking process.

  1. Direct Booking Incentives

Consider offering direct booking incentives such as a discount, free breakfast, or a complimentary airport transfer for guests who book through your website. Make these incentives prominent on your homepage.

  1. Live Chat Support

Having a live chat feature on your website can provide real-time assistance to potential guests who have questions or concerns. This personal touch can help build trust and encourage direct bookings.

  1. Monitor and Analyze

Continuously monitor the performance of your website and the success of your direct booking strategies. Use web analytics tools to track your website traffic, conversion rates, and sources of bookings. Adjust your strategies based on what works best for your audience.


Increasing direct bookings on your hotel’s website is an ongoing process that requires dedication and strategic planning. By optimizing your website, offering exclusive perks, implementing a loyalty program, and utilizing digital marketing techniques, you can reduce your reliance on OTAs and increase your hotel’s profitability. Remember that building a strong online presence and providing a seamless booking experience are key to winning over today’s tech-savvy travelers.

John Laclé, Managing Director | October 13, 2023

Hotels are Slow Adapters to Revenue Management Technology

In an ever-evolving hospitality industry, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for hotels seeking sustained growth and profitability. One area that continues to play a pivotal role in achieving this is revenue management. Revenue management systems (RMS) are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and hotels must adapt to these changes to remain competitive. In this blog, we’ll explore the latest trends in revenue management systems and how hotels are adapting to these trends.

A recent article from Skift, “Hotels Still Slow to Adopt Revenue Management Tech: New Skift Research,” demonstrates the slow adaption rate shown by independent non-branded hotels to RMS technologies . According to the article, less than 10% of non-branded hotels worldwide are on a Revenue Management System – proven to optimize the property’s RevPAR performance if used properly:

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

One of the most significant trends in revenue management is the shift towards data-driven decision-making. Hotels are now leveraging advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to analyze vast amounts of data, including historical booking data, market demand, and competitor pricing. This data-driven approach allows hotels to make more accurate pricing and inventory decisions in real-time.

  1. Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing has been a game-changer for the hospitality industry. This strategy involves adjusting room rates based on various factors such as demand, seasonality, day of the week, and even the weather. Hotels are using RMS to implement dynamic pricing, ensuring they can maximize revenue during peak periods and maintain competitiveness during low-demand periods.

  1. Personalization

Guests today expect a personalized experience when they book a hotel room. Revenue management systems are helping hotels tailor their pricing and offers to individual guests. By analyzing guest preferences and booking history, hotels can offer personalized packages, room upgrades, and promotions, enhancing the overall guest experience and increasing revenue.

  1. Channel Management

The distribution landscape for hotels has become increasingly complex with the rise of online travel agencies (OTAs), metasearch engines, and direct booking channels. RMSs are helping hotels manage their distribution channels more efficiently, ensuring that rooms are sold through the most profitable channels while maintaining rate parity and minimizing overbooking.

  1. Forecasting and Predictive Analytics

Advanced forecasting and predictive analytics have become integral to revenue management. Hotels are using RMSs to accurately predict future demand, allowing them to adjust pricing and inventory accordingly. This proactive approach helps hotels capture revenue opportunities and avoid revenue loss due to underpricing or overbooking.

  1. Competitive Intelligence

Keeping an eye on the competition is crucial in revenue management. Many RMSs offer competitive intelligence features that allow hotels to monitor the pricing and strategies of their competitors in real-time. This enables hotels to adjust their rates and promotions to stay competitive in the market.

  1. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices

Sustainability is a growing concern in the hospitality industry. Some hotels are now using RMS to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste. By offering eco-friendly packages and incentives, hotels can appeal to environmentally-conscious travelers while also improving their bottom line.

Hotel Adaptations to These Trends

To harness the power of these latest trends in revenue management systems, hotels are making several adaptations:

  1. Training and Skill Development: Hotels are investing in training their staff to effectively use RMSs and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Integration with Other Systems: Hotels are integrating RMSs with other hotel management systems, such as property management systems (PMS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, to ensure seamless operations.
  3. Collaboration with Technology Partners: Many hotels are partnering with technology companies specializing in revenue management to stay at the forefront of industry trends.
  4. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments: Hotels are constantly monitoring their RMSs and making adjustments based on the insights and data they generate.


Key Hotels and Resorts embraces the latest tech trends in the area of Revenue Management Systems. Our hotels are leveraged with the latest RMS technologies. With KHR RMS technologies, our hotels’ hotel rates fluctuate per room type multiple times per day dependent upon several external inputs – giving them a competitive advantage compared to the majority of independent hotels not utilizing this tech trend. To learn more of our hotel marketing solutions suited for independent hotels, please contact us at info@keyhotelsandresorts.com. To learn more, please visit us at www.keyhotelsandresorts.com.

John Lacle, Managing Director

Key Hotels and Resorts

October 7, 2023

Warm Welcome The Old Gin House – St. Eustatius

Old Gin House St Eusatatius - Key Hotels and Resorts

We are thrilled to welcome the Old Gin House Hotel, St Eustatius to Key Hotels and Resorts‘ Dutch-Caribbean collection of independent first-class hotels and resorts.

Located oceanfront on the Dutch-Caribbean island of St. Eustatius, recently recognized by National Geographic for having the best scuba in the Caribbean, the Old Gin House is a historic UNESCO landmark boutique hotel, home to the island’s best waterfront restaurant, amenity-rich oceanfront accommodations and authentic old world charm. Dating back to the 18th century, this boutique hotel has been expertly restored from a former cotton gin when cotton was a major product on Statia. To learn more of this beautiful hotel, please visit www.theoldginhouse.com. Please contact us directly for preferred partner rate agreements.

Key Hotels and Resorts offers expert hotel management, hotel marketing, and outsourced revenue management services specifically tailored for hotels in the Dutch-Caribbean. With over 20 years of management and marketing experience in the Dutch Caribbean and sales offices in USA and the Netherlands, KHR is well positioned to elevate top-line and bottom-line performance for its curated collection of independent hotels. To learn more, please visit www.keyhotelsandresorts.com.

Recovery Begins with Outsourced Hotel Revenue Management and Marketing Solutions


The problem is universal – Hotels with limited capital reserves and fixed overhead expenses cannot afford to reengage their revenue generating activities given the low demand in the marketplace.

The terrible impact of Covid on the hotel industry can be best observed with the exceptionally high amount of furloughed teams and hotel closings over this past year. According to the AHLA,  68% of hotels have less than half of their normal full-time staffing levels. Fixed payroll expenses and reduced capital reserves are hindering hotels’ abilities to reopen their revenue-generating activities.


The solution comes in the form of our Pay for Performance revenue and marketing services. With this business model, hotels benefit by receiving expert revenue and marketing support services, paying a percentage only for the revenues generated by Key Hotels. The hotel does not incur fixed Sales & Marketing payroll expenses or any other general marketing expenses including promotions, digital marketing, photography, revenue management systems, etc.


With our Pay for Performance solutions, hotels mitigate their financial risk. Should the hotel close its doors once again due to Covid, the hotel’s financial exposure would be limited to the revenues it receives. Sales Department expenses are absorbed by Key.


Our hotels benefit with elevated RevPAR performance from our powerful revenue management platforms.  We offer automated rate setting tools, market demand coefficients, airlift analysis, competitive rate shops, pick-up tracking, predictive demand analysis, and market segmentation & geo-targeted pricing. Complementing this technology, our expert Revenue Team offers weekly market mix performance reporting, monthly rolling forecasts, and annual budgeting & business planning.


Our hotels benefit from the strategic revenue management leadership offered by our expert revenue management teams, experienced drawn from executive roles with the world’s finest hospitality companies including the Ritz-Carlton, Hilton Worldwide, and Marriott International. Our hotels benefit with elevated RevPAR performance from our powerful revenue management platforms.  

We offer automated rate setting tools, market demand coefficients, airlift analysis, competitive rate shops, pick-up tracking, predictive demand analysis, and market segmentation & geo-targeted pricing. Complementing this technology, our expert Revenue Team offers weekly market mix performance reporting, monthly rolling forecasts, and annual budgeting & business planning.


Global Distribution – Our hotels benefit the shared revenue generating solutions provided by Key, elevating the hotel’s top-line performance. Our Team specializes in the worldwide distribution of our hotels’ rates and availability matched with professionally curated digital marketing content, sent everywhere and updated in real-time to thousands of travel accounts around the globe.

Please contact John Laclé, Managing Director for Key Hotels and Resorts for a consultation review . jlacle@keyhotelsandresorts.com.