Hotel Management Glossary
There are currently 3 Glossary Items in this directory containing the search term revpar. Clear results.
RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room)
What does RevPAR mean in the hotel industry?
Short for "Revenue Per Available Room," the average sales revenue generated by each guest room during a given time period. The formula for RevPAR is Occupancy % (x)ADR = RevPAR.
Short for "Revenue Per Available Room," the average sales revenue generated by each guest room during a given time period. The formula for RevPAR is Occupancy % (x)ADR = RevPAR.
RevPAR Index
What does RevPAR Index mean in the hotel industry?
RevPAR Index measures a hotel's RevPAR performance compared to an aggregate set of competitive hotels also known as a competitive set or compset. A hotel with a RevPAR index of 100 receives its fair share in the marketplace. A RevPAR Index greater than 100 indicates the hotel receives more than its fair share in the marketplace. Conversely, a hotel with a RevPAR Index less than 100 receives less than its fair share.
RevPAR Index measures a hotel's RevPAR performance compared to an aggregate set of competitive hotels also known as a competitive set or compset. A hotel with a RevPAR index of 100 receives its fair share in the marketplace. A RevPAR Index greater than 100 indicates the hotel receives more than its fair share in the marketplace. Conversely, a hotel with a RevPAR Index less than 100 receives less than its fair share.